Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Girls Camp 2008
I was a third year this year. It was very fun. We had the best skit out of all the wards......except the stake staff and priesthood. It was Emmalyns first year. She had fun. The snipe hunt went pretty good.I learned alot and it was spiritual but......................not as good as the Trek.
Stake Youth Trek.
This year I had the opportunity to go on a youth Trek. It was the most spiritual experience I have ever had. It was very challenging. Each day we would push our handcarts over hot sandy roads and big bushes that tor up your legs for about 7 miles. We went so fast that they asked us to SLOW down. We would reach where we were supposed to be for our camp around lunch time. That meant we got to rest the rest of the day. One very spiritual experience was the woman's pull. The woman's pull was where all the men got "called" to serve in the army, so they had to leave all the women behind with the hand carts. After the Men were gone every family got on their knees and prayed to Heavenly Father that we would be able to make it up the steep hill we had to go up to get to the men. After we prayed the handcarts got in a line and then we started up the hill. It was very difficult to push our heavy hand carts up that hill. I have a firm testimony that we were helped by angels. I know that we would not be able to make it up that hill without the help of God.
After we went around the last bend in the road we saw the men behind a fence cheering us on. When we got close enough to see and hear them clearly, we saw tears running down their faces. They were also singing. My "brothers" told us that we could make it and to get out of the way while they pushed it the rest of the way. And sure enough, as soon as we crossed the fence line all my "brothers" pushed us ( gently ) out of the way. And with tears in their eyes they pushed our hand carts away. We quickly followed them so that other carts could get past the fence line.
There are so many more experiences that I had. I can't write them all down. But when we got to Zion it was a Heaven on earth. Ask me about helping the "families" that got left behind and were across the "river". It was amazing.
After we went around the last bend in the road we saw the men behind a fence cheering us on. When we got close enough to see and hear them clearly, we saw tears running down their faces. They were also singing. My "brothers" told us that we could make it and to get out of the way while they pushed it the rest of the way. And sure enough, as soon as we crossed the fence line all my "brothers" pushed us ( gently ) out of the way. And with tears in their eyes they pushed our hand carts away. We quickly followed them so that other carts could get past the fence line.
There are so many more experiences that I had. I can't write them all down. But when we got to Zion it was a Heaven on earth. Ask me about helping the "families" that got left behind and were across the "river". It was amazing.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
BYU Theatre Camp
This year I went to a two week Theatre camp at BYU Provo. It was a great experience. I grew as an actor and I got a small taste of what it would be like to attend BYU. The first day we had auditions. Auditions were slightly nerve recking. Later that day we got the cast list.
For the next four days we had classes from 9am to 12pm at the HFAC. Then we would go to lunch. After lunch we would go back to the HFAC for rehearsals. Some days we would practice until 10pm. Other days we would get done around 5:30- 6 pm so that we could go on a "Field Trip". For one of our "Field Trips" we went to Temple square and went and saw the Joseph Smith movie. For the other one we went the musical Little Women at the Hale Theatre in Orem. It was REALLY good. Thursday the 3rd of July, we had our performance. The play we preformed was ONCE ON THIS ISLAND. The performance went very well. After the performance we had a cast party where we saw a sideshow and then had a "Award" ceremony. My "Award" was called Mother Masseuse because I gave the BEST back rubs.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
A bit to far.
I apologize for all the Doctor Who quotes.....I got a LITTLE carried away. My siblings and I enjoy quoting it and we do it often.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
My sewing project.
I have a friend in OYLI and in this post I am going to call her.........Mrs. Darcy.
My friend Mrs. Darcy is an AMAZING seamstress. This year she is giving a small class to me and some other friends of mine. The project was to make Civil war dresses but since I was not going to be able to continue the Sword of Freedom class I decided to make a dress from the movie North and South, which is a novel by Elizabeth Gaskell. The dress I am making is a dress that her character Margaret Hale wares in the movie.
Below are some pictures of the dress I am making.

My friend Mrs. Darcy is an AMAZING seamstress. This year she is giving a small class to me and some other friends of mine. The project was to make Civil war dresses but since I was not going to be able to continue the Sword of Freedom class I decided to make a dress from the movie North and South, which is a novel by Elizabeth Gaskell. The dress I am making is a dress that her character Margaret Hale wares in the movie.
Below are some pictures of the dress I am making.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Girl in the Fire Place.
The Girl in the Fireplace
[When asked if there is anything on board]
The Doctor: Nah, nothing here. Well, nothing dangerous. Well, not that dangerous. Know what, I'll just have a quick scan... case there's anything dangerous.
[Referring to the link between the spaceship and Reinette's bedroom]
The Doctor: Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink.
Mickey: What's that?
The Doctor: No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say "magic door".
Rose: And on the other side of the "magic door" is France in 1727?
The Doctor: Well, she was speaking French. Right period French as well.
Mickey: She was speaking English, I heard it!
Rose: That's the TARDIS; translates for you.
Mickey: Even French??
[Inside young Reinette's bedroom, there is an ominous ticking occuring despite the clock on the mantelpiece being broken]
The Doctor: Now let's think. If you were a thing that ticks and you were hiding in someone's bedroom, first thing you do, break the clock. No-one notices the sound of one clock ticking but two... you might start to wonder if you're really alone...
[The clockwork man is attempting to kill The Doctor]
The Doctor: Don't worry, Reinette, just a nightmare. Everyone has nightmares. Even monsters from under the bed have nightmares, don't you, monster?
Reinette: What do monsters have nightmares about?
The Doctor: Me!
[On unmasking a clockwork robot and seeing the mechanism inside its head]
The Doctor: Ohhh, you are beautiful! No, really, you are, you're gorgeous! Look at that! Space-age clockwork, I love it, I've got chills! Listen, seriously, I mean it's from the heart - and by the way, count those - it would be...a crime, it would be...an act of vandalism to disassemble you.
[holds up sonic screwdriver]
The Doctor: But that won't stop me.
[The Doctor arrives back on the ship to find himself alone]
The Doctor: Rose?... Mickey?! Every time - every time! It's rule one: don't wander off! I tell them I do, rule one! There could be anything on this ship!
[He turns a corner and comes face-to-face with a horse]
Rose: Oh, here's trouble. What you been up to?
The Doctor: Oh, this and that. Became the imaginary friend of a future French aristocrat, picked a fight with a clockwork man...
[A whinny is heard from off screen]
The Doctor: Oh, and I met a horse.
Mickey: What's a horse doing on a spaceship?
The Doctor: Mickey, what's pre-revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? Get a little
The Doctor: Run. Take Mickey, and Arthur.
Rose: Arthur?
The Doctor: Good name for a horse.
Rose: No, you're not keeping the horse.
The Doctor: I let you keep Mickey, now go, go!!
[the clockwork robots have kidnapped Rose and Mickey and strapped them to two tables]
Rose: [wakes up] What's, what's goin' on? Doctor?!
Mickey: Rose? [sees her] They're going to chop us up. Just like the crew, they're gonna' chop us up and stick us all over their stupid spaceship! And where's the Doctor? Where's the precious Doctor now?! He's been gone for flippin' hours, that's where he is!
Clockwork Robot: [to Rose] You are compatible.
Rose: [nervously] Well, you might want to think about that. [gaining confidence] You really really might because me and Mickey, we didn't come here alone, oh no. And trust me, you wouldn't want to mess with our designated driver. Ever heard of the Daleks? Remember them? They had a name for our friend. They had myths about him, and a name. They called him th-
[drunken singing can be heard distantly]
Rose: [stuttering slightly, the singing grows louder] They c... they called him "the-
[The Doctor enters, seemingly drunk]
The Doctor: [singing "I Could Have Danced All Night"]I could have danced all night, I could have danced all night, and still have begged for more! I could've spread my wings and done a- [stops singing. To Rose] Have you met the French? My... Gosh, they know how to party!
Rose: Oh, look at what the cat dragged in! The Oncoming Storm!
The Doctor: Ooh, you sound just like your mother!
Rose: What have you been doing? Where have you been?!
The Doctor: Well... among other things, I think I invented the banana daiquiri a couple of centuries early. D'you know, they'd never even seen a banana before; always take a banana to a party, Rose. Bananas are good.
The Doctor: [to one of the clockwork robots] Oh, brilliant! It's you! You're my favourite, you are! You are the best! Know why? 'Cause you're so...thick! You're Mr Thick-Thick-Thickety-Thickface from Thicktown, Thickania! [beat] And so's your dad!
Reinette: One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel.
Reinette: But you and I both know, don't we, Rose? The Doctor is worth the monsters.
[When asked if there is anything on board]
The Doctor: Nah, nothing here. Well, nothing dangerous. Well, not that dangerous. Know what, I'll just have a quick scan... case there's anything dangerous.
[Referring to the link between the spaceship and Reinette's bedroom]
The Doctor: Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink.
Mickey: What's that?
The Doctor: No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say "magic door".
Rose: And on the other side of the "magic door" is France in 1727?
The Doctor: Well, she was speaking French. Right period French as well.
Mickey: She was speaking English, I heard it!
Rose: That's the TARDIS; translates for you.
Mickey: Even French??
[Inside young Reinette's bedroom, there is an ominous ticking occuring despite the clock on the mantelpiece being broken]
The Doctor: Now let's think. If you were a thing that ticks and you were hiding in someone's bedroom, first thing you do, break the clock. No-one notices the sound of one clock ticking but two... you might start to wonder if you're really alone...
[The clockwork man is attempting to kill The Doctor]
The Doctor: Don't worry, Reinette, just a nightmare. Everyone has nightmares. Even monsters from under the bed have nightmares, don't you, monster?
Reinette: What do monsters have nightmares about?
The Doctor: Me!
[On unmasking a clockwork robot and seeing the mechanism inside its head]
The Doctor: Ohhh, you are beautiful! No, really, you are, you're gorgeous! Look at that! Space-age clockwork, I love it, I've got chills! Listen, seriously, I mean it's from the heart - and by the way, count those - it would be...a crime, it would be...an act of vandalism to disassemble you.
[holds up sonic screwdriver]
The Doctor: But that won't stop me.
[The Doctor arrives back on the ship to find himself alone]
The Doctor: Rose?... Mickey?! Every time - every time! It's rule one: don't wander off! I tell them I do, rule one! There could be anything on this ship!
[He turns a corner and comes face-to-face with a horse]
Rose: Oh, here's trouble. What you been up to?
The Doctor: Oh, this and that. Became the imaginary friend of a future French aristocrat, picked a fight with a clockwork man...
[A whinny is heard from off screen]
The Doctor: Oh, and I met a horse.
Mickey: What's a horse doing on a spaceship?
The Doctor: Mickey, what's pre-revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? Get a little
The Doctor: Run. Take Mickey, and Arthur.
Rose: Arthur?
The Doctor: Good name for a horse.
Rose: No, you're not keeping the horse.
The Doctor: I let you keep Mickey, now go, go!!
[the clockwork robots have kidnapped Rose and Mickey and strapped them to two tables]
Rose: [wakes up] What's, what's goin' on? Doctor?!
Mickey: Rose? [sees her] They're going to chop us up. Just like the crew, they're gonna' chop us up and stick us all over their stupid spaceship! And where's the Doctor? Where's the precious Doctor now?! He's been gone for flippin' hours, that's where he is!
Clockwork Robot: [to Rose] You are compatible.
Rose: [nervously] Well, you might want to think about that. [gaining confidence] You really really might because me and Mickey, we didn't come here alone, oh no. And trust me, you wouldn't want to mess with our designated driver. Ever heard of the Daleks? Remember them? They had a name for our friend. They had myths about him, and a name. They called him th-
[drunken singing can be heard distantly]
Rose: [stuttering slightly, the singing grows louder] They c... they called him "the-
[The Doctor enters, seemingly drunk]
The Doctor: [singing "I Could Have Danced All Night"]I could have danced all night, I could have danced all night, and still have begged for more! I could've spread my wings and done a- [stops singing. To Rose] Have you met the French? My... Gosh, they know how to party!
Rose: Oh, look at what the cat dragged in! The Oncoming Storm!
The Doctor: Ooh, you sound just like your mother!
Rose: What have you been doing? Where have you been?!
The Doctor: Well... among other things, I think I invented the banana daiquiri a couple of centuries early. D'you know, they'd never even seen a banana before; always take a banana to a party, Rose. Bananas are good.
The Doctor: [to one of the clockwork robots] Oh, brilliant! It's you! You're my favourite, you are! You are the best! Know why? 'Cause you're so...thick! You're Mr Thick-Thick-Thickety-Thickface from Thicktown, Thickania! [beat] And so's your dad!
Reinette: One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel.
Reinette: But you and I both know, don't we, Rose? The Doctor is worth the monsters.
More DOCTOR WHO sayings.........and stuff.
New Earth :
The Doctor: So, the year five billion, the sun expands, the earth gets roasted.
Rose: That was our first date.
The Doctor: We had chips. [Rose chuckles] So anyway, planet gone. All rocks and dust, but the human race lives on spread out across the stars. Soon as the earth burns up, ooh they get all nostalgic, big revival movement. So they find this place. Same size as the earth. Same air, same orbit. Lovely. All those outer humans move in.
Rose: What's the city called?
The Doctor: New New York.
Rose: Oh, come on.
The Doctor: It is! It's the city of New New York! Strictly speaking, it's the fifteenth New York since the original, so that makes it New New-New-New-New New-New-New-New-New New-New-New-New-New New York.
[Rose laughs]
The Doctor: What?
Rose: You're so different.
The Doctor: New-New Doctor.
Tooth and Claw
The Doctor: I like my thumb. I need my thumb. I'm very attached to... [notices guards pointing guns at him] ...my thumb...
[Having intended to land in 1979, the Doctor and Rose find themselves in 1879, surrounded by armed soldiers]
The Doctor: 1879... same difference.
Captain Reynolds: You will explain your presence... and the nakedness of this girl.
The Doctor: [in Tennant's own Scottish accent] Are we in Scotland?
Captain Reynolds: How can you be ignorant of that?
The Doctor: Oh, I'm- I'm dazed and confused. I've been chasing this wee naked child over hill and over dale. Ain't that right, ya.... tim'rous beastie?
Rose: Uh- uh.... [adopting a terrible Scottish accent] och aye, I've been oot and aboot-
The Doctor: [quietly to Rose, in his normal accent] No, don't do that.
Rose: Hoots, mon!
The Doctor: [still quiet] No, really don't. Really.
The Doctor: [in Tennant's own Scottish accent] I'm Doctor James McCrimmon, from the township of, er.... Balamory.
Rose: I want her to say "we are not amused". I bet you five quid I can make her say it.
The Doctor: Well, if I gambled on that, it would be an abuse of my privilege as a traveller in time.
Rose: Ten quid?
The Doctor: Done.
The Doctor: She's a feral child. I bought her for sixpence in Old London Towne. It was her or the Elephant Man.
Rose: Thinks he funny, but I'm so not amused. What do you think, ma'am?
Rose: What do we do?
The Doctor: We run.
Rose: What, is that it?
The Doctor: Got any silver bullets?
Rose: Not on me, no.
The Doctor: There you are then, we run. [to Queen Victoria] Your Majesty, as a doctor, I suggest a vigorous jog; good for the health!
Queen Victoria: By the power invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub thee Sir Doctor of TARDIS. By the power invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub thee Dame Rose of the Powell Estate.
Queen Victoria: And you may think on this, also. That I am not amused!
Rose: [as the Doctor admits defeat] Yes!
Queen Victoria: ... and if this Doctor should return, then he should beware, because Torchwood will be waiting!
School Reunion
The Doctor: [posing as a teacher, introducing himself to class] So, physics! Physics, eh? Physics! Phyyyysics! Physics, Physics, Physics, Physics, Physics Physics, Physics, Physics, Physics... I hope you're getting all this down!
The Doctor: Correctamundo! A word I've never used before, and hopefully never will again.
The Doctor: [Talking about the school children] It's all very calm around here. I thought they'd all be happy-slappy hoodies. Happy-slappy hoodies with ASBOs. Happy-slappy hoodies with ASBOs and ringtones... Oh yeah, don't tell me I don't fit in.
[After Mickey screams when finding a cupboard full of shrink-wrapped rats]
The Doctor: And you decided to scream?
Mickey: It took me by surprise!
The Doctor: Like a little girl?
Mickey: It was dark! I was covered in rats!
The Doctor: Nine, maybe ten years old. I'm seeing pigtails, frilly skirt-
Sarah: I saw things you wouldn't believe!
Rose: Try me.
Sarah: Mummies.
Rose: I've met ghosts.
Sarah: Robots. Lots of robots.
Rose: Slitheen. In Downing Street.
Sarah: Daleks!
Rose: [smugly] Met the Emperor.
Sarah: Anti-matter monsters!
Rose: Gas-mask zombies!
Sarah: Real living dinosaurs!
Rose: Real living werewolf!
Sarah: The. Loch Ness. Monster!
Rose: [impressed] Seriously?
Rose: With you, did he do that thing where he'd explain something at, like, ninety miles per hour, and you'd go "What?" and he'd look at you like you'd just dribbled on your shirt?
Sarah: All the time! Does he still stroke bits of the TARDIS?
Rose: Yeah! Yeah, he does! I'm like, "Do you two wanna be alone?"
[Both laugh as the Doctor enters]
The Doctor: How's it going?
[Rose and Sarah laugh hysterically]
The Doctor: What? Listen, I need to find out what's programmed inside these-
[Rose and Sarah are still laughing]
The Doctor: What?
[Rose and Sarah are falling over laughing]
The Doctor: Stop it!
The Doctor: So, the year five billion, the sun expands, the earth gets roasted.
Rose: That was our first date.
The Doctor: We had chips. [Rose chuckles] So anyway, planet gone. All rocks and dust, but the human race lives on spread out across the stars. Soon as the earth burns up, ooh they get all nostalgic, big revival movement. So they find this place. Same size as the earth. Same air, same orbit. Lovely. All those outer humans move in.
Rose: What's the city called?
The Doctor: New New York.
Rose: Oh, come on.
The Doctor: It is! It's the city of New New York! Strictly speaking, it's the fifteenth New York since the original, so that makes it New New-New-New-New New-New-New-New-New New-New-New-New-New New York.
[Rose laughs]
The Doctor: What?
Rose: You're so different.
The Doctor: New-New Doctor.
Tooth and Claw
The Doctor: I like my thumb. I need my thumb. I'm very attached to... [notices guards pointing guns at him] ...my thumb...
[Having intended to land in 1979, the Doctor and Rose find themselves in 1879, surrounded by armed soldiers]
The Doctor: 1879... same difference.
Captain Reynolds: You will explain your presence... and the nakedness of this girl.
The Doctor: [in Tennant's own Scottish accent] Are we in Scotland?
Captain Reynolds: How can you be ignorant of that?
The Doctor: Oh, I'm- I'm dazed and confused. I've been chasing this wee naked child over hill and over dale. Ain't that right, ya.... tim'rous beastie?
Rose: Uh- uh.... [adopting a terrible Scottish accent] och aye, I've been oot and aboot-
The Doctor: [quietly to Rose, in his normal accent] No, don't do that.
Rose: Hoots, mon!
The Doctor: [still quiet] No, really don't. Really.
The Doctor: [in Tennant's own Scottish accent] I'm Doctor James McCrimmon, from the township of, er.... Balamory.
Rose: I want her to say "we are not amused". I bet you five quid I can make her say it.
The Doctor: Well, if I gambled on that, it would be an abuse of my privilege as a traveller in time.
Rose: Ten quid?
The Doctor: Done.
The Doctor: She's a feral child. I bought her for sixpence in Old London Towne. It was her or the Elephant Man.
Rose: Thinks he funny, but I'm so not amused. What do you think, ma'am?
Rose: What do we do?
The Doctor: We run.
Rose: What, is that it?
The Doctor: Got any silver bullets?
Rose: Not on me, no.
The Doctor: There you are then, we run. [to Queen Victoria] Your Majesty, as a doctor, I suggest a vigorous jog; good for the health!
Queen Victoria: By the power invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub thee Sir Doctor of TARDIS. By the power invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub thee Dame Rose of the Powell Estate.
Queen Victoria: And you may think on this, also. That I am not amused!
Rose: [as the Doctor admits defeat] Yes!
Queen Victoria: ... and if this Doctor should return, then he should beware, because Torchwood will be waiting!
School Reunion
The Doctor: [posing as a teacher, introducing himself to class] So, physics! Physics, eh? Physics! Phyyyysics! Physics, Physics, Physics, Physics, Physics Physics, Physics, Physics, Physics... I hope you're getting all this down!
The Doctor: Correctamundo! A word I've never used before, and hopefully never will again.
The Doctor: [Talking about the school children] It's all very calm around here. I thought they'd all be happy-slappy hoodies. Happy-slappy hoodies with ASBOs. Happy-slappy hoodies with ASBOs and ringtones... Oh yeah, don't tell me I don't fit in.
[After Mickey screams when finding a cupboard full of shrink-wrapped rats]
The Doctor: And you decided to scream?
Mickey: It took me by surprise!
The Doctor: Like a little girl?
Mickey: It was dark! I was covered in rats!
The Doctor: Nine, maybe ten years old. I'm seeing pigtails, frilly skirt-
Sarah: I saw things you wouldn't believe!
Rose: Try me.
Sarah: Mummies.
Rose: I've met ghosts.
Sarah: Robots. Lots of robots.
Rose: Slitheen. In Downing Street.
Sarah: Daleks!
Rose: [smugly] Met the Emperor.
Sarah: Anti-matter monsters!
Rose: Gas-mask zombies!
Sarah: Real living dinosaurs!
Rose: Real living werewolf!
Sarah: The. Loch Ness. Monster!
Rose: [impressed] Seriously?
Rose: With you, did he do that thing where he'd explain something at, like, ninety miles per hour, and you'd go "What?" and he'd look at you like you'd just dribbled on your shirt?
Sarah: All the time! Does he still stroke bits of the TARDIS?
Rose: Yeah! Yeah, he does! I'm like, "Do you two wanna be alone?"
[Both laugh as the Doctor enters]
The Doctor: How's it going?
[Rose and Sarah laugh hysterically]
The Doctor: What? Listen, I need to find out what's programmed inside these-
[Rose and Sarah are still laughing]
The Doctor: What?
[Rose and Sarah are falling over laughing]
The Doctor: Stop it!
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