The Girl in the Fireplace
[When asked if there is anything on board]
The Doctor: Nah, nothing here. Well, nothing dangerous. Well, not that dangerous. Know what, I'll just have a quick scan... case there's anything dangerous.
[Referring to the link between the spaceship and Reinette's bedroom]
The Doctor: Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink.
Mickey: What's that?
The Doctor: No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say "magic door".
Rose: And on the other side of the "magic door" is France in 1727?
The Doctor: Well, she was speaking French. Right period French as well.
Mickey: She was speaking English, I heard it!
Rose: That's the TARDIS; translates for you.
Mickey: Even French??
[Inside young Reinette's bedroom, there is an ominous ticking occuring despite the clock on the mantelpiece being broken]
The Doctor: Now let's think. If you were a thing that ticks and you were hiding in someone's bedroom, first thing you do, break the clock. No-one notices the sound of one clock ticking but two... you might start to wonder if you're really alone...
[The clockwork man is attempting to kill The Doctor]
The Doctor: Don't worry, Reinette, just a nightmare. Everyone has nightmares. Even monsters from under the bed have nightmares, don't you, monster?
Reinette: What do monsters have nightmares about?
The Doctor: Me!
[On unmasking a clockwork robot and seeing the mechanism inside its head]
The Doctor: Ohhh, you are beautiful! No, really, you are, you're gorgeous! Look at that! Space-age clockwork, I love it, I've got chills! Listen, seriously, I mean it's from the heart - and by the way, count those - it would be...a crime, it would act of vandalism to disassemble you.
[holds up sonic screwdriver]
The Doctor: But that won't stop me.
[The Doctor arrives back on the ship to find himself alone]
The Doctor: Rose?... Mickey?! Every time - every time! It's rule one: don't wander off! I tell them I do, rule one! There could be anything on this ship!
[He turns a corner and comes face-to-face with a horse]
Rose: Oh, here's trouble. What you been up to?
The Doctor: Oh, this and that. Became the imaginary friend of a future French aristocrat, picked a fight with a clockwork man...
[A whinny is heard from off screen]
The Doctor: Oh, and I met a horse.
Mickey: What's a horse doing on a spaceship?
The Doctor: Mickey, what's pre-revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? Get a little
The Doctor: Run. Take Mickey, and Arthur.
Rose: Arthur?
The Doctor: Good name for a horse.
Rose: No, you're not keeping the horse.
The Doctor: I let you keep Mickey, now go, go!!
[the clockwork robots have kidnapped Rose and Mickey and strapped them to two tables]
Rose: [wakes up] What's, what's goin' on? Doctor?!
Mickey: Rose? [sees her] They're going to chop us up. Just like the crew, they're gonna' chop us up and stick us all over their stupid spaceship! And where's the Doctor? Where's the precious Doctor now?! He's been gone for flippin' hours, that's where he is!
Clockwork Robot: [to Rose] You are compatible.
Rose: [nervously] Well, you might want to think about that. [gaining confidence] You really really might because me and Mickey, we didn't come here alone, oh no. And trust me, you wouldn't want to mess with our designated driver. Ever heard of the Daleks? Remember them? They had a name for our friend. They had myths about him, and a name. They called him th-
[drunken singing can be heard distantly]
Rose: [stuttering slightly, the singing grows louder] They c... they called him "the-
[The Doctor enters, seemingly drunk]
The Doctor: [singing "I Could Have Danced All Night"]I could have danced all night, I could have danced all night, and still have begged for more! I could've spread my wings and done a- [stops singing. To Rose] Have you met the French? My... Gosh, they know how to party!
Rose: Oh, look at what the cat dragged in! The Oncoming Storm!
The Doctor: Ooh, you sound just like your mother!
Rose: What have you been doing? Where have you been?!
The Doctor: Well... among other things, I think I invented the banana daiquiri a couple of centuries early. D'you know, they'd never even seen a banana before; always take a banana to a party, Rose. Bananas are good.
The Doctor: [to one of the clockwork robots] Oh, brilliant! It's you! You're my favourite, you are! You are the best! Know why? 'Cause you're so...thick! You're Mr Thick-Thick-Thickety-Thickface from Thicktown, Thickania! [beat] And so's your dad!
Reinette: One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel.
Reinette: But you and I both know, don't we, Rose? The Doctor is worth the monsters.
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